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Embracing Resilience: Navigating Recovery Beyond Comparison

In the journey of personal growth and recovery, the notion of comparison often emerges as a formidable challenge, influencing our perceptions, emotions, and self-worth. As someone who has navigated this intricate path, I’ve come to recognize that comparison can indeed be a significant stumbling block on the road to recovery. Through introspection, dedication, and a…

How My Wife Helped Healing

Being in an abusive relationship can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. The trauma of the past abuse and lies can linger long after the relationship has ended. However, when you find a good partner in marriage, they can provide a safe and supportive environment that can help you heal…

Leaving An Abusive Marriage

Leaving an abusive marriage can be a daunting and terrifying process for anyone, regardless of gender. Unfortunately, societal stereotypes and stigmas often make it even more difficult for men to leave abusive relationships, as they may feel ashamed or emasculated by the idea of being a victim of domestic violence. However, it is important to…

Recovering From Abuse In A Relationship

Recovering from an emotionally and physically abusive relationship can be a difficult and long process, but it is important to know that healing is possible. It is essential to prioritize your well-being and seek support during this challenging time. Here are some steps you can take to help you recover from an abusive relationship: Recovering…

Healing From Sexual Abuse

This writing is from a few years back and part of a small autobiography I have been working on called “The God Angle” but I am now publishing it I’ve written for a while now and always have skirted around the reality of what really happen. I like to think that the people responsible for…

48 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married – Healthy Goals For Love

So, you’re thinking of getting engaged. Chances are, you already know your intended spouse pretty well, but have the two of you talked about everything? I’m talking those really meaningful, deep life questions. Do you know your partner’s opinions, values, and thoughts, especially on important issues? There are a lot of questions to ask before getting…

The Impact of Unresolved Trauma on Relationships

Physicians use the word “trauma” to describe a serious injury to the physical body resulting from a sudden impact, such as an accident or a violent act. But you can also suffer emotional trauma, which can cause an equally painful wound to your sense of self as a whole, coherent being. Just like a wound…

Focusing On Others While Healing From Trauma

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless in a dangerous world. This Trauma does not always have to be your own. It may be experiencing others trauma or having a profound emotion that makes us feel effected by someone else’s experience.…

How to Recognize and Heal from Relationship PTSD

Abusive relationships can do a lot of damage to your emotional health and mental well-being.  It can feel painful and deeply distressing — to say the absolute least — when someone you love and trust: These behaviors don’t just hurt you in the moment. They can destroy your sense of safety, diminish self-confidence and self-worth,…

Soul Healing

Where do you take a vehicle that a mechanic has messed up? Recently I have been asking this key question to those who come to me for advice regarding emotional trauma or healing. Before I share the answer to that question, I want to express that in society today we have tried to offer so…

For The Addicts

You are reaching and your addiction has made you feel like you are your own ghost. I know from experience that like any addiction, whatever yours is, you are dealing with many of the same emotions any trauma brings on. You’ve read so many resources trying to end this journey of addiction you’ve reached out…

Overcoming Co-Addiction & What That Word Even Means

This is a subject that I have learned only recently and have developed a publication since I felt it was such an epiphany to myself. I am sure that within addiction many people do not even understand or are aware of this happening. It’s a lengthy read but does touch on each point and how…

Overcoming Self Sabotaging In New Relationships

I haven’t been single very long now but even so there are still lessons I am learning and understanding regarding new relationships in comparison to my past one. As new people come into your life it is natural to discover also new anxiety as well. Things that you may not have yet been aware of…


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About Me

I’m Jonathan, glad you found me. If you are here to try to be destructive then you are only destroying yourself through giving time to things that truly you cannot affect. Get a hobby or try to do something helpful or productive. This will help the self worth issues you surely are dealing with and causes you to have time enough to look people up online. Your actions are causing you to not focus perhaps on those around you that most likely are being neglected emotionally and physically by your self destructive actions.

I will try to keep things categorized so it is easier to navigate between all the subjects that I dump out here. Please excuse the writings and meanderings on love as they will always exist within me.

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